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The first question’s correct answer is: New York, the reason is because the New York is a ship that was docked in the harbor until the ropes holding it to the ground snapped and it started drifting towards the Titanic, but luckily (or unluckily) the crew managed to steer away just in time.

The reason i say unlucky is because if they hit the New York they would of stopped the ship and loaded all the passengers off safely so it wouldn't of hit the iceberg


The second question's correct answer is: Joseph Bruce Ismay, the reason is because is the chairman of the white star line at the time before getting fired after the ship sank.


The third question’s correct answer is: Unsinkable, the reason is that while the Titanic was sinking Molly Brown and a couple of others went into a lifeboat and when they were in it a sexist officer said that only men can row and woman cannot, after this Molly Brown told the officer they should be able to because the more people rowing meant they could go faster and before the officer could tell her not to she and other women started rowing anyway, After this people celebrated what she did but sadly this was a long time after her death.


The fourth question’s answer is: Britannic, the reason is because the Britannic was the ship made after the Titanic, another thing is that the Britannic was originally called the Gigantic but the name was too similar to Titanic.


The fifth question's answer is: 6 compartments, the reason is because the ship had 6 of its lower compartments  flooded when it got hit by the iceberg which was just enough to make it start to sink.


The sixth question’s answer is: 37, the reason is because they had only 37 seconds to react which sadly was not enough time.


The seventh question’s correct answer is: 6 dollars, the thing is that 6 dollars was a lot of pay back then but the problem is that it was easy to die because of the extreme heat.


The eighth question’s correct answer is: herself, the thing is that she survived the Titanic and because she was already an actor she had a role as herself on the first movie that was about the titanic, the other funny part is she didn't even have to get a costume because she just wore the dress she wore on the Titanic.


The ninth question’s correct answer is: dented in the widgets, the reason this happened is because the Titanic is held together with what is basically giant metal screwed but the iceberg dented the hull which popped the widgets out and made it fall apart.


The tenth question’s correct answer is: poop deck, the poop deck is a lower deck that is still outside located at the back of the ship, the name for the poop deck came from the french phrase ‘la poupe’ which meant stern and the phrase itself was from the latin word ‘puppis’.


The eleventh question’s correct answer is: Titanic crashed, all saved, ship under maintenance, the reason this wasn't what happened was because at the time no one knew what even did happen so they made things up.


The twelfth question’s correct answer is: nothing, a common misconception is that SOS means ‘save our souls’ but this isn't true, the reason that SOS was made was because it was easy to type in a telegraph.


The thirteenth question’s correct answer is: 120 percent, the reason being that the Titanic passengers drowned because there weren't enough lifeboats for everyone so the rule was changed to 120 percent.


The fourteenth question’s answer is: 882 ½ feet, the reason being is that that's how long the Titanic is.

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